The longlist of artists chosen to participate in the 2020 Keir Choreographic Awards is out, and we are thrilled to see The Farm and Amrita Hepi included amongst the eight programmed artists.
The Keir Choreographic Awards are a unique artistic proposition – eight artists are selected for this national biennial award. It was established to commission short works and promote innovative, experimental and cross-artform practices in contemporary dance.
We are currently working with Amrita Hepi to produce two seasons of her participatory dance work A Call To Dance in New Zealand next week, and have worked with The Farm over many years on a range of projects, most recently on the development of Throttle.
They will join Alison Currie & David Cross, Angela Goh, Riana Head-Toussaint, Jo Lloyd, Zachary Lopez and Lewis Major in the semifinals.
Congratulations to Amrita; Gavin, Grayson, Kate and the team from The Farm; and to all selected participants.
The semi-finals will be held at Melbourne’s DanceHouse from 3 – 7 March 2020, with four finalists competing at Carriageworks in Sydney from 12 – 14 March 2020.
Click here for more information on the awards