Directed by Frances Barbe, and featuring Andrea Gibbs, Will O’Mahony, Tobias Muhafidin and Liam Hickey, the creative team recently came together for a three-day development.
Our third collaboration with Will O’Mahony (Great White, 2016; Coma Land, 2017), Minneapolis is Will’s latest script about online shaming, call-out culture and the right to be forgotten.
“Will is such an astute and intelligent artist. His writing is restrained but always manages to pinpoint with striking accuracy the complexities of people and the world we live in.” says Senior Producer Rachael Whitworth.
“Dealing with the constant inundation of the internet in our lives, Minneapolis explores the sometimes damaging impact of social media and how the framework of ‘wrong or right’ can be so complicated in this realm. Most often – no one is a winner.”
Following inclusion in Playwriting Australia’s National Play Festival and a nomination for the prestigious Griffin Award, Minneapolis is one of the four projects supported by the Theatre Development Initiative in 2019, a grant program provided by the WA Government through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries to support high-quality professional theatre productions in the mid-tier sector.