
Opportunities – August 2020

Read through our updated list of opportunities for the latest information about new jobs, grants, commissions, and all you need to know about mental health and financial services.

To keep up to date with health warnings, please check the Australian Government’s Department of Health warnings regularly, avoid public spaces and gatherings, wash your hands and keep an eye out for each other.

If there are any other really great resources or links you have spotted that we should know about, email Win at

Stay safe and be kind to each other xx

2020 Merrigong Digital Artist Residency

We have teamed up with Merrigong Theatre Company to create a digital residency for performing arts practitioners to be held online over 3 days in October. The residency is open to writers, choreographers, dancers, directors, designers, actors and theatre makers from, or connected to, the Illawara, Southern Highlands or South Coast of NSW. Applications close 14th September 2020.

More info

Moohgalin Performing Arts | Yellamundi Festival 2021

This festival identifies, develops, and presents new First Peoples stories that display potential for further development and or production. The festival is open to submissions from a range of live performance art forms, providing development opportunities for Playwrights, Music Composers, and Dance Choreographers. Applications close on 4th October 2020.

More info

Commissions and Call Outs

British Council Australia
Inviting individuals and organisations in Australia to submit project proposals for inclusion in the Season which align with the Season theme, dates and locations. If you are applying to present Australian work in the UK, visit the link below. Applications close 5th October 2020.

More info

Writer in Residence Program | Moreland City Council
Moreland’s Writers in Residence program provides a unique opportunity for three writers to develop their practice in one of Australia’s most thriving arts communities. Applications close 20th September 2020.

More info

Nganggurnmanha | Sound Dust

Nganggurnmanha means ‘listening, hearing, thinking, remembering’ in Wajarri language. Sound dust is an accumulation of listening, time and awareness.

Performance Space is asking you to walk through a ritual of gathering.  To record a sound generated between you and the world – to collect and share your sound dust with the world.

More info and sound recording submissions

Funds and Grants

Copyright Agency | Create Grants
This grant offers opportunities for mid-career and established creative writers and visual artists to create and develop new work. The grants provide a living allowance to a writer or a visual artist to write or create a new work for publication or exhibition. Applications close 14th September 2020.

More info

Create NSW | Arts and Cultural Funding Program 20/21
NSW individual artists, arts and cultural workers, and organisations are eligible to apply for Annual Organisation, Project and Creative Koori Project categories. Applications close 23rd September 2020.

More info

Playing Australia | Regional Performing Arts Touring Fund
This program supports performing arts to reach regional and remote communities across Australia. Grants are available to support the net touring and other designated costs associated with tours. There is no limit on the amount that can be requested.  Applications close 6th October 2020.

More info

Australia Council | Contemporary Touring Music Program
This program supports national touring activity undertaken by Australian musicians performing original contemporary music. The CMTP is open to applications for funding with some fixed-term adjustments to the guidelines to account for COVID-19 conditions. Applications close 6th October 2020.

More info

City of Melbourne | RISE Fund
Funding is available to support cultural and creative events or activities, that without this support would be unlikely to proceed (due to constrained availability of funding to the applicant as a consequence of COVID-19). Applications close 31st May 2021.

More info

COVID Assistance Programs | Are you a business? Check out this comprehensive (though not specifically arts-related) guide from KPMG.

More info

Arts Queensland | Arts Business Innovation Fund
Supports innovation to strengthen income generating and entrepreneurial capacity in Queensland-based not-for-profit arts and cultural businesses. Part funding, part loan, part matched. Rolling fund.

More info

Arts Tasmania | Arts grants
This program supports individuals and groups to undertake projects that enable them to further their careers, enrich their artistic practice and contribute to Tasmania’s arts sector. Projects, professional development and more.

Full 2020 grants list

Australia Council | Funding for First Nations Artists
Multiple opportunities are available to support and fund First Nations Arts Practices for career development, music program and sound recording partnerships just to name a few.

More info

Australian Government | Covid 19 Arts Sustainability Fund
Aims to provide ‘last resort’ funding assistance to significant Australian Government funded arts organisations that are assessed to be at imminent risk of insolvency as a direct result of COVID-19, having taken all reasonable action to maintain their financial position.

More info 

City of Sydney | Quick Response Grants
Up to $2000 for small projects with a quick turnaround. No closing date.

More info

Facebook Small Business Grants Program
Facebook is offering $100 million in cash grants and ad credits for up to 30,000 eligible small businesses. Applications open in the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can sign up to receive more information when it becomes available.

More info

Regional Arts NSW | There are many arts and cultural opportunities available for people living in regional NSW. Quick Response Grants and Regional Arts Funds are available to regional and remote arts practitioners, arts workers, audiences and communities.

More info


Art Tasker  – like Airtasker but for Artists has been developed in response to COVID19

Assistant/Associate Producer | Moogahlin Performing Arts Inc is seeking an Assistant/Associate Producer to provide essential project development and delivery across all company programs and creative and administrative leadership on select projects, particularly public programs, workshops, and events.

Digital Content Producer | Moogahlin Performing Arts Inc is seeking a Digital Content Producer to provide marketing and communications support across the whole company and creative and administrative leadership on select projects.

InBetween | Casual and emergency work for artists between gigs

Jobs for Artists | Group for jobs postings

Rising Melbourne | List of new job opportunities available at Rising Festival

The Freelance Collective: list of freelance creative workers available to work

Online Shows, Workshops & Classes


Critical Stages | Stage and Stream. A weekly gig guide of everything theatre happening online.

Perth Festival | Online Arts Experiences You Need To See

Join the celebration for the launch of Artstate Wagga Wagga. Tune in to their live stream to catch the arts and speakers’ programs and celebrate the creativity and culture of The Riverina.

On the Fringe is a new podcast from Sydney Fringe with a mix of long-form, short-form and everything in between-form conversations with art and culture makers from across Sydney and the cultural spectrum, offering insights to the creative mind. Listen to the first two episodes here

The Recovery Roadmap Webinars will run over four weeks in September and will cover a range of helpful topics as we look to a post-pandemic future, over four compact 30 minute episodes.   

Top 10 lessons on virtual collaborationbased on experiences in facilitating and participating in the virtual world. 

Have a look at the workshops offered by Creative Plus Business, here is a link to their Workshop Calendar.

Tune into the Creative Dialogues podcast by Tom Hogan , which is a panel-discussion project with a focus on the arts and creative industries that aims to help up-skill, form strategic partnerships and collaborate.

Here are some useful tips about how to run an Arts Organisation during a pandemic, written by Esther Anatolitis.

Mental Health

If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call 000

Beyondblue | 1300 22 4636 (toll free)
beyondblue is a national organisation that has a range of information and resources associated with depression and anxiety. The Support Service runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All calls are one-on-one with a trained mental health professional, and completely confidential.

Black Dog Institute
The Black Dog Institute provides a 24 hour free mobile phone/computer-based program to assist those with mild to moderate depression, anxiety and stress.

Entertainment Assist
Free series of mental health and wellbeing webinars for Entertainment Industry practitioners.

Headspace Meditation App
The free to download Headspace meditation app provides a complimentary Basics pack to guide you through the essentials of meditation and mindfulness.

Kids Help Line | 1800 55 1800
A number of children and youth may also need emotional. Kids Help Line is a free and confidential, telephone counselling service for 5 to 25 year old in Australia.

Lifeline Australia | 13 11 14
Lifeline Australia provides a free, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone counselling service for adults needing emotional support. Lifeline Australia also has a range of information and resources available from their website, about providing care in times of crisis.

SUPPORT ACT | Support Act Wellbeing Helpline – 1800 959 500
Support Act provide support which may include professional phone counselling, financial help, advice and practical assistance.


Support & Resources

Australian Tax Office: offering small business relief

Business Connect: NSW Government initiative to provide mentoring for creative industries

Centrelink: have waived many of the Newstart waiting periods.

Covid-19 Safety Plan: Develop a COVID-19 Safety Plan for your venue to help you create and maintain a safe environment for you, your workers and your visitors.

Freelance Jungle: support and resources for freelance workers

Check out this great article on Medium with heaps of financial resources to assist artists during this time.

MEAA Support Google Doc: Very comprehensive list of resources and contacts for artists, covering lobbying and advocacy, financial assistance, jobs and more.

Support Act | Covid-19 Emergency Appeal
An appeal to raise $20 million so they can provide some level of crisis relief to artists who are facing financial hardship.

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In everything we do, we acknowledge that we live on Aboriginal land and constantly learn from the wisdom of First Peoples.

Where we are and the history that precedes us informs how we work and how we move forward.