Nathan Maynard – Co-Writer – palawa
Nathan is a descendant of the chief of the Trawlwoolway Clan and of the whole of the North East Tasmanian Indigenous peoples. Nathan has 17 years’ experience as a dancer in schools and communities. In 2012 he performed in SHADOW DREAMS (Terrapin /TSO). In 2013 and 2014 Nathan was selected for the Tasmania Performs Artists Residency and in 2014 received an Arts Tasmania grant for a year-long career development program. His play THE SEASON was featured in the 2015 Yellamundie Festival (Moogahlin). The Tasmania Performs production received MFI funding and premiered in 2017 at the Sydney Festival, Ten Days on the Island and Melbourne Festival followed by an 11-venue national tour in 2018. Nathan’s play for children A NOT SO TRADITIONAL STORY produced by Terrapin, toured to primary schools across Tasmania in 2018 and in 2019 and was presented at Arts Centre Melbourne and Brisbane Festival.
Nathan was named Tasmanian Aboriginal Artist of the Year Award in 2006 and 2013, and Tasmanian Aboriginal of the Year at the 2017 NAIDOC awards. In 2019 he was awarded the Balnaves Foundation Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Fellowship at Belvoir and a Churchill Fellowship. Before he discovered his love for writing, Nathan worked in land management for 16 years. He balances his life between family, community, culture and writing and resides on the east coast of Tasmania.