
Dear Hope Street

Maybe ( ) Together

Spreading hope across the globe one postcard at time…

Using Google Street View children look up a Hope Street somewhere in the world and write a postcard to the residents.

Part drawing, part writing and part imagining life in other places, the postcard becomes a modern-day message in a bottle – with each card being photographed and placed online before being posted.

Over 1,600 postcards have been sent so far, and hundreds of responses have been received from all across the world.

This live artwork sits in the blurry gap between what is private and public information, and what is connection and community. In this workshop we create a platform for children’s voices to be heard and encourage discussion about the cyber world and social interaction.

Read more about this project and see the amazing postcards and responses received so far at:

FOR: Children aged 7 and up.
CAPACITY: dependent on ipad/computer/iphone access & volunteers. Suits drop-in workshop within festival context.


Concept, facilitation & design
  • Alex Desebrock
Produced by
  • Performing Lines WA

Information for Presenters

Available on demand – please contact our Producer for more information

Age Recommendation
Children 7yrs+

Audience size
General public: 12 participants every 20 minutes
School groups: up to 30 children.

Children can stay up to one hour, with rotating workshops every 20 minutes.
It can also be run as a school workshop of one hour.

Up to 15 sessions per day

Touring requirements
Touring party: 2 (1 Lead Artist + 1 workshop facilitator)
Bump in: 3-6 hours (1 crew)
Bump out: 3 hours (1 crew)

Performance requirement
2 volunteers: 1 x FOH (to greet arriving children, fill out registration, hand out info sheet to parents) and 1 workshop assistant.

Dear Hope Street has been designed to sit within any alternative spaces, including (and not restricted to) arts venues, schools, libraries, town halls, shopping centers and galleries.
5m x 8m minimum floor space with a minimum height of 2m.

Venue to provide

  • Astroturf
  • Picket fencing
  • 3x pinup boards
  • wooden dowel poles or the like
  • up to 30 ipads (dependent on capacity) and internet access for all ipads
  • access to up to 20 large cardboard boxes for bump-in
  • Cost of two extra baggage to carry freight
  • Stamps for postcards

Artist can supply

  • Picnic rugs
  • Internet dongles
  • 3 x mini hills hoists
  • Cardboard bunting, texters, pens, pegs and strings
  • postcards
Jen Leys Producer
Jeremy Smith Senior Producer

Presentation History

City of Stirling
Perth, WA
View full Presentation History

Full Presentation History for Dear Hope Street

City of Stirling
Perth, WA
ComeOut Children's Festival
Adelaide, SA
Sydney Festival
Sydney, NSW
Awesome Festival
Perth, WA

Project Partners & Acknowledgements

In everything we do, we acknowledge that we live on Aboriginal land and constantly learn from the wisdom of First Peoples.

Where we are and the history that precedes us informs how we work and how we move forward.