
YesYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesYesYes Yes


Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes YES

Yes Yes


YES is an investigation into the dynamics of power, consent, knowledge, truth and the complexities of one seemingly simple word. This new performance work by acclaimed feminist theatre makers THE RABBLE is set within an ever-changing physical space, occasionally erupting with manufactured weather events, in which an audience watches two performers answer hundreds of questions.

Shifting between rite of passage, public debate and personal memoir, this unpredictable onslaught blurs the line between instruction, permission, philosophy and confession. The questions are relentless – even overwhelming – reminding us of the unyielding pressures of seeking answers and understanding.

In a world where objective and rational answers are more and more impossible to find, THE RABBLE seeks to disrupt our obsession the notion of absolute and singular truths, to disempower the makers of meaning and create a more communal process of searching.


Co-Creators and Co-Directors
Emma Valente
Kate Davis

Set & Costume Design
Kate Davis

Sound Design & Composition / Lighting Design
Emma Valente

Dana Miltins
Mary Helen Sassman

Eva Seymour

Stage Manager
Cassandra Fumi

Production Manager
Kate Cameron

Produced by
Performing Lines

Associate Designer
Emma Lockhart-Wilson

Set Construction
Jim Stenson

Information for Presenters

In development across Victoria and South Australia – stay tuned for updates.

Samantha Butterworth Senior Producer

Presentation History

Arts House
Melbourne, VIC
Port Adelaide, SA

Project Partners & Acknowledgements

YES is produced by Performing Lines and supported by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, and the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria, as well as the Besen Family Foundation. Yes is in development with Arts House, and was co-commissioned by Vitalstatistix and Rising.

In everything we do, we acknowledge that we live on Aboriginal land and constantly learn from the wisdom of First Peoples.

Where we are and the history that precedes us informs how we work and how we move forward.